Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Wednesday May 13th 2009

Spring is well and truly here. We have a blackbird nesting in the clematis that grows around our back door. Alan has fixed a tiny camera up so that we can watch the 'comings & goings' via our tv, ....its really fascinating. There appears to be two 'babies' who keep mum & dad very busy as they seem to need feeding constantly!

The new hens have settled in and are laying fairly well so our visitors can now enjoy a new laid egg for their breakfast.

Ron & Annie from Devon are here for their second visit and love the changes to the Dairy. Ron has doubled up as shepherd & poutry man already. We were away for a few days and the sheep managed to find their way out of the field and into the lane. Fortunately, Ron was just returning from a day trip to Windermere and was able to get them back into the field, then the hens decided that the grass was greener in our garden than in their pen so made their 'great escape'!...

I'm also entering the 'Race for Life' to raise funds for cancer research. If you would like to sponsor me you can do so online at . I am hoping to raise around £500

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